

SDG 5.3.3





5.2  5.3.1  5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4  5.4 5.5 5.6.1
5.6.2 5.6.3 5.6.4  5.6.5  5.6.6  5.6.7  5.6.8



5.3 求學權利保障 Student access measures

5.3.3 女性求學保障方案
Women’s access schemes

Please refer to CHU Academic Regulations, Principles 7 and 18 again. Since CHU's approach to gender issues is the same, there will be no difference. If the outside world has requirements on this topic, CHU will definitely cooperate with relevant policies.

  1. 學則第七條之第()項次,主要論述學生因懷孕、生產或哺育幼兒可申請保留入學資格,最長可達三年之入學保留權利。 Article 7(3) of the Academic Regulations mainly deals with the right of students to apply for retention of their admission status due to pregnancy, childbirth, or nursing of young children for a maximum of three years.

  1. 學則第十八條針對學生休學累計以兩學年為原則之特例保障,若因女性懷孕與育嬰之休學,則可延長以累計四學年為限。 Article 18 of the Academic Regulations guarantees the special exception of the principle of two academic years for a student's leave of absence from school, but if the leave of absence is due to a woman's pregnancy or childbirth, the leave of absence may be extended to a maximum of four academic years.

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更新日期 2023(112)-11-04 Updated
