SDG 8.2.3
8.2.3 雇傭政策之反歧視
Employment policy on discrimination
To protect the equality of gender rights to work and implement the spirit of the Constitution to eliminate gender discrimination and promote substantive equality of gender status, the government has specially formulated the Gender Equality at Work Law. Chapter 2 of the Measures stipulates prohibited matters of gender discrimination, such as employer treatment of job applicants or employees. The recruitment, selection, recruitment, distribution, placement, performance appraisal, promotion, payment of wages, organizing or providing various welfare measures, education and training, retirement, layoff, resignation and dismissal of employees shall not be based on gender or sexual orientation. And there is differential treatment.
In order to promote national employment and enhance social and economic development, the government has specially enacted the Employment Service Law. Article 5 of the regulations: "To ensure equal employment opportunities for citizens, employers shall not treat job applicants or employees based on race, class, language, Discrimination will be carried out based on ideology, religion, political party, place of origin, place of birth, gender, sexual orientation, age, marriage, appearance, facial features, physical and mental disabilities, zodiac sign, blood type or previous trade union membership; where other laws have express provisions, such provisions shall prevail. Regulation."
Implementation Points of the Gender Equality Education Committee
- 第七條 Article 7 本校對教職員工之招募、甄試、進用、分發、配置、考績或陞遷等,不得因性別而有差別待遇。但工作性質僅適合特定性別者,不在此限。
The school shall not discriminate based on gender in the recruitment, selection, appointment, distribution, placement, performance appraisal or promotion of faculty and staff. This does not apply, however, as the nature of the job is only suitable for persons of a specific gender.
- 第八條 Article 8 本校為教職員工舉辦或提供教育、訓練、各項福利措施或其他類似活動,不得因性別而有差別待遇。
The school organizes or provides education, training, various welfare measures or other similar activities for faculty and staff, and no differential treatment is allowed based on gender.
- 第九條 Article 9 本校對教職員工薪資之給付,不得因性別而有差別待遇;其工作或價值相同者,因給付同等薪資。但基於年資、獎懲、績效或其他非因性別因素之正當理由者,不在此限。
The school shall not discriminate based on gender in the salary payment of faculty and staff; those whose work or value are the same shall be paid the same salary. However, this does not apply to cases based on seniority, rewards and punishments, performance or other legitimate reasons not based on gender.
Prevention, Complaints and Handling Measures for Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- 第一條 Article 1 本校為防治職場性騷擾,提供免於性騷擾之工作環境及保護被害人權益,特依「性別工作平等法」、「工作場所性騷擾防治措施申訴及懲戒辦法訂定準則」、「性騷擾防治法」及「性騷擾防治準則」訂定本辦法。
To prevent and treat sexual harassment in the workplace, provide a working environment free from sexual harassment and protect the rights and interests of victims, our school specifically complies with the "Gender Equality at Work Act", the "Guidelines for Complaints and Punishment Measures for the Prevention and Control of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace", the "Sexual Harassment Prevention Act" and the "Sexual Harassment "Prevention and Control Guidelines" formulate these measures.
Measures to prevent and control gender incidents on campus
- 第六條 Article 6 本校長及教職員工生於進行內外學活動、執務人際互時,應尊重多元性別差異,消除性別歧視。
The principal and teaching staff should respect diverse gender differences and eliminate gender discrimination when conducting internal and external academic activities and interpersonal interactions.
- 第九條 Article 9 校長或教職員工生應尊重他人與自己之性或身體主,避免不受歡迎之追求行為,並不得以強制或暴力手段處理與性別有關之衝突。
Principals, faculty, staff, and students should respect the sexuality or body ownership of others and their own, avoid unwanted pursuits, and refrain from using force or violence to resolve gender-related conflicts.
資料連結 Information Links
- 2023-12-06 中華大學性別平等教育委員會實施要點
- 2024-08-07 中華大學職場性騷擾防治、申訴及處理辦法 AJ0-2-909(1130807).pdf
- 2024-09-09 中華大學校園性別事件防治辦法 165256634.pdf
更新日期 2024(113)-11-07 Updated