

SDG 8.2.2





8.2.2 雇傭實踐之工會

Employment practice unions

本國為促進勞工團結,提升勞工地位及改善勞工生活,特制定工會法。 To promote labour unity, enhance labour status and improve workers' lives, the government has formulated a Labor Union Act.

工會法 Labor Union Act

第4條 Article 4

  1. 勞工均有組織及加入工會之權利。All workers shall have the right to organize and join labor unions.
  2. 現役軍人與國防部所屬及依法監督之軍火工業員工,不得組織工會;軍火工業之範圍,由中央主管機關會同國防部定之。Military personnel in service and employees in the munitions industry, which is affiliated with and supervised by the Ministry of National Defense, shall not organize labor unions. The scope of munitions industry shall be determined by the Central Competent Authority together with the Ministry of National Defense.
  3. 教師得依本法組織及加入工會。Teachers may organize and join labor unions in accordance with the Act.
  4. 各級政府機關及公立學校公務人員之結社組織,依其他法律之規定。Association and organization of civil servants at all levels of governments and public schools shall be governed by other applicable statutes.

另為營造良好的工作環境,增進彼此瞭解,促進勞資合作,提高工效率,保障員工權益,特依據適用勞動基準法人員工作規則第46條成立勞資會議。 In addition, to create a good working environment, enhance mutual understanding, promote labour-management cooperation, improve work efficiency, and protect the rights and interests of employees, a labour-management meeting is established per Article 46 of the Personnel Work Rules applicable to the Labor Standards Act.

本會議由校長指定5位主管擔任資方代表,另由員工以不記名投票方式票選5位擔任勞方代表,並依法每三個月召開一次會議,並由勞資雙方輪流擔任主席,對於協調勞資關係、勞動條件、勞工福利規劃、提高工作效率等議題,加強勞資雙方之間的溝通。 In this meeting, the principal designates 5 supervisors as management representatives, and employees vote by secret ballot to elect 5 labour representatives. The meeting is held every three months per the law, and the labour and management parties take turns to serve as the chairperson. For coordination of labour relations, Strengthen communication between labour and management on issues such as working conditions, labour welfare planning, and improving work efficiency.

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更新日期 2024(113)-11-09 Updated
