

SDG 10.6.10





10.2  10.3  10.4  10.5  10.6.1  10.6.2  10.6.3  10.6.4
10.6.5  10.6.6  10.6.7  10.6.8  10.6.9  10.6.10



10.6 反歧視政策 Measures against discrimination

10.6.10 行動不便人仕合理便利政策
Disability accommodation policy

Students who meet the criteria for physically and mentally handicapped students and children of physically and mentally handicapped persons may apply for free housing in addition to tuition and fee waivers. The school's regulations on housing and waivers for physically and mentally handicapped students stipulate that: (1) physically and mentally handicapped students are provided with the least restrictive educational environment; and (2) accessible dormitory rooms are provided as well as waivers for housing.

  1. 身心障礙生住宿及減免規定:本校提供身心障礙學生最少限制教育環境,並提供無障礙宿舍及住宿減免。 Accommodation and Remission Requirements for Physically and Mentally Challenged Students: The University provides the least restrictive educational environment for physically and mentally challenged students, as well as barrier-free dormitories and accommodation remission.

  1. 110學年度經由「繁星推薦」管道入學,符合身心障礙學生及身心障礙人士子女條件者,除學雜費減免,亦可向學務處生輔組提出免費住宿申請,並以生輔組安排之宿舍為限。 In academic year 2021-2022, students who are admitted through the "Starry Night Recommendation" channel and who meet the requirements for physically and mentally handicapped students and children of physically and mentally handicapped persons may, in addition to tuition and fee waivers, also apply for free housing in a dormitory arranged by the Student Counseling Section of the Office of the Dean of Students, provided that the dormitory is arranged by the Section.

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更新日期 2023(112)-11-05 Updated
