

SDG 10.6.6





10.2  10.3  10.4  10.5  10.6.1  10.6.2  10.6.3  10.6.4
10.6.5  10.6.6  10.6.7  10.6.8  10.6.9  10.6.10



10.6 反歧視政策 Measures against discrimination

10.6.6 支持弱勢群體
Support for underrepresented groups

CHU holds a Special Education Implementation Committee meeting during the first semester of each school year to approve the special education work plan for the year, and services include:

  1. 提供符合適性化、個別化及融合精神之特殊教育與相關服務措施及設施,協助本校特殊教育學生適應校園生活,減緩心理壓力及課業問題。 Provide special education and related services and facilities that are in line with the spirit of adaptability, individualization and integration to help our special education students adapt to school life and alleviate psychological pressure and academic problems.

  1. 執行個案輔導管理及辦理各項會議,促進及連結跨網絡單位合作。 Performs case counseling management and organizes meetings, facilitates and connects with cross-network units.

  1. 辦理團體或單場活動,增進特殊教育學生人際支持網絡及自我技能。 Organize group or single-session activities to enhance the interpersonal support network and self-skills of special education students.

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更新日期 2023(112)-11-05 Updated
