

SDG 10.6.4





10.2  10.3  10.4  10.5  10.6.1  10.6.2  10.6.3  10.6.4
10.6.5  10.6.6  10.6.7  10.6.8  10.6.9  10.6.10



10.6 反歧視政策 Measures against discrimination

10.6.4 反歧視政策
Anti-discrimination policies

性別平等委員會的主要宗旨,是促進中華大學師生員工,樹立性別平等觀念,對校園內的性別歧 視、性騷擾和性侵犯等相關問題採取預防措施。該委員會自2005年成立以來,已走過了17個年頭,成員從9人至21人不等,其中女性成員應占成員總數的一半以上。
The main purpose of the Gender Equality Committee is to promote the establishment of gender equality concepts for teachers, staff, students and other employees of Chung Hua University, and to take preventive measures on issues related to gender discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault on campus. Since the establishment of this committee in 2005, it has been 17 years, with 9 to 21 members, of which women members should account for more than half of the total number of members.

In order to enhance the effectiveness of the prevention and treatment of sexual assault, sexual harassment and sexual bullying on campus, and to specifically regulate the preventive measures, principles and procedures for handling sexual assault, sexual harassment and sexual bullying, the "Measures for the Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Bullying on Campus of the CHU of Political Science and Technology" was formulated in accordance with the Ministry of Education's "Sexuality Equality Education Law" and "Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Bullying on Campus". In the academic year 2021, four meetings of the Gender Equality Education Committee were held. It is expected that the method will be amended by the end of December 2023.

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更新日期 2023(112)-11-05 Updated
