

SDG 16.2.2





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16.2 大學治理措施 University governance measures

16.2.2 學生會
Students’ union

Student self-governance is the core responsibility and duty of CHU's Student Council. As the highest student representative body, the council is led by the president and vice-president, who are elected through a school-wide election to exercise the right of student self-governance. Not only do they handle matters related to student learning, life, and rights, but they also actively participate in more than 20 school-level meetings covering academic affairs, student affairs, and general affairs. Together with faculty, they collaboratively deliberate and provide valuable suggestions for the betterment of student rights and welfare.

The Constitution of the Student Government Association (Chapter I, Article II) states that the powers and duties of the Association shall be as follows:

  1. 綜理學生公共事務。 Consolidation of students' public affairs.
  2. 對外代表全體同學參與校際間之各項活動,促進交流。對內籌畫協調辦理全校性活動,協助各級學生組織之運作。 Represent all students in inter-school activities and promote exchanges. Internally, to plan and coordinate school-wide activities and to assist in the operation of student organizations at all levels.
  3. 統籌本會之財務運用與稽核。 Coordinate the financial operation and audit of the Association.
  4. 對學校事務有建議權。並得依大學法以及本校組織章程之規定,推選代表參與學校相關會議。 To have the right to make suggestions on university affairs. He/she may elect representatives to participate in the meetings of the university in accordance with the provisions of the University Law and the constitution of the university.
  5. 仲裁學生事務。 Arbitration of student affairs.

Bylaws will be reviewed at the end of 1st semester of the academic year 2023-2024 during the Academic Senate meeting.

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更新日期 2023(112)-11-06Updated
