

SDG 16.2.1





16.2.1  16.2.2  16.2.3  16.2.4  16.2.5  16.2.6  16.2.7 
16.3.1  16.3.2  16.3.3  16.3.4  16.4



16.2 大學治理措施 University governance measures

16.2.1 民選代表制度
Elected representation

CHU has a University Council to discuss major matters concerning school affairs, organized by the president, vice-presidents, teacher representatives, academic and administrative directors, research staff representatives, staff representatives, student representatives and other relevant personnel. Except for the president, vice-presidents, and academic and administrative directors, the other representatives must be elected. The proportions are as follows:

  1. 教師代表:不少於全體會議成員人數的二分之一。 Teacher representatives: not less than one-half of the number of members in the plenary meeting.
  2. 研究人員代表:由所有研究人員選出一人。 Researcher representative: one person elected by all researchers.
  3. 工作人員和雇員代表:由全體工作人員選出三人。 Representatives of staff and employees: three peoples are elected by all staff.
  4. 學生代表:學生代表的比例不得低於委員總數的十分之一。 Student representatives: the proportion of student representatives shall not be less than one-tenth of the total members.

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更新日期 2023(112)-11-05 Updated
