

SDG 11.4.1





11.2.1  11.2.2  11.2.3  11.2.4  11.2.5  11.2.6  11.3  11.4.1  11.4.2 

11.4.3  11.4.4  11.4.5  11.4.6  11.4.7  11.4.8  11.4.9



11.4 永續實踐 Sustainable practices

11.4.1 永續實踐的目標
Sustainable practices targets

CHU's strategy to build a resilient campus to cope with the impact of external environment (including natural disasters and epidemics, and sustainable development).

  1. 災害衝擊之策略 Disaster Impact Strategies
    Based on the three core elements of campus safety, namely, "safe learning facilities," "school disaster management," and "risk reduction and resilient disaster prevention education," the following four directions and related strategies have been developed to build a resilient disaster-preventive campus.

強化學校環境的掌握 Strengthening mastery of the school environment

  • 加強對在地環境完成完整的天然災害與人為災害之潛勢地點評估 Enhance the assessment of potential sites for natural and man-made disasters in the local environment.
  • 對校內環境進行特性調查,瞭解各建築物結構 Conduct a characterization survey of the campus environment to understand the structure of the buildings.
  • 建立校園防災地圖 Creating a Campus Disaster Map
  • 掌握防災設施,並調查社區資源據點,瞭解社區狀況,以導入相關資源 Get to know the disaster prevention facilities and survey the community resource sites to understand the community conditions in order to direct to the relevant resources

強化學校的防災能力 Strengthening Disaster Preparedness in Schools

  • 落實校園防災推動組織與災害防救應變組織 Implementation of the Campus Disaster Prevention and Promotion Organisation and the Disaster Prevention and Rescue Response Organisation.
  • 培養教職員生防災知識、態度、與技能 Develop staff and students' knowledge, attitudes and skills in disaster prevention.
  • 增加防災經費、改善防災設備與器具 Increase funding for disaster prevention and improve disaster prevention equipment and apparatus.
  • 增加鄰近社區互動、提供防災知識與服務,以適時導入相關資源 Increase interaction with neighbouring communities and provide disaster prevention knowledge and services, so as to introduce relevant resources in a timely manner

推動韌性防災教育 Promoting education on resilience and disaster prevention

  • 鼓勵製作在地化防災知識與技能相關課程教材 Encouraging the production of teaching materials for localised disaster prevention knowledge and skills related courses
  • 培養防災種子教師,增強防災教學能力 Cultivating Disaster Prevention Seed Teachers to Enhance Disaster Prevention Teaching Capabilities
  • 落實教職員生防災演練 Implementation of Disaster Preparedness Drills for Staff and Students

導入相關資源 Import Related Resources

  • 鼓勵教師爭取政府機構相關防災計畫 Encouraging Teachers to Pursue Disaster Preparedness Programmes by Government Agencies
  • 加強社區互動以爭取社區志工協助 Enhancing Community Interaction to Enlist the Assistance of Community Volunteers

  1. 疫情衝擊之策略 Epidemic Impact Strategies
    In view of the impact of the SARS/Covid-19 epidemic on students' learning in schools, teaching in schools in the future will have to be conducted in a more flexible manner, both online and offline, and teachers will have to adopt more appealing approaches to ensure students' interest in learning and learning effectiveness. The following strategies have been formulated to cope with the impact of the epidemic.

  • 全面錄製課程影片,提供學生遠距學習 Fully-recorded course videos for students to learn at a distance.
  • 建立課程分享平台,鼓勵教師觀摩以提升影片品質 Establishing a platform for curriculum sharing and encouraging teachers to observe the films to enhance their quality.
  • 定期演練線上或遠距教學,使學生熟悉遠距與自主學習的環境 Regular rehearsals of online and distance learning to familiarise students with distance and self-directed learning environments.

  1. 永續發展之策略 Strategies for Sustainable Development
    In the face of the impact of climate change, countries around the world are actively planning to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to mitigate the damage to the planet, and our country has already declared the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. As an integral part of higher education, the University is responsible for guiding society towards sustainable development. The University has developed the following strategies to achieve net-zero emissions and sustainable development.

  • 成立永續發展辦公室專責單位,以推展永續校園治理工作與善盡社會責任 Establishment of a dedicated unit in the Sustainable Development Office to take forward the work of sustainable campus management and fulfilment of social responsibilities
  • 宣示與承諾淨零排放之目標,規劃淨零排放路徑與目標 Declaring and committing to net-zero emission targets and planning net-zero emission pathways and goals.
  • 導入環境與能源相關管理系統及認證,以盤查與確實掌握溫室氣體排放量與排放源 Introducing environmental and energy-related management systems and certifications to inventory and identify greenhouse gas emissions and sources.
  • 推動低碳校園相關政策(如增加循環能源及再生能源的比例、增加綠色交通的比例、強化綠建築的比例等),以落實永續校園治理 promoting policies related to low-carbon campuses (e.g. increasing the proportion of recycled energy and renewable energy, increasing the proportion of green transport, enhancing the proportion of green buildings, etc.), so as to implement sustainable campus governance
  • 推動師生以大學校園為基礎,結合產學合作計畫,將相關經驗與成果導入鄰里城鄉,進而提升產業發展,提高青年就業機會與發展空間,並能善盡大學社會責任 Encourage faculty and students to use the university campus as a basis for combining industry-academia cooperation projects, and to introduce relevant experiences and achievements into neighbouring cities and villages, thereby enhancing industrial development, increasing employment opportunities and development space for young people, and fulfilling the social responsibility of the university.

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更新日期 2023(112)-11-08 Updated
