

SDG 11.2.6





11.2.1  11.2.2  11.2.3  11.2.4  11.2.5  11.2.6  11.3  11.4.1  11.4.2 

11.4.3  11.4.4  11.4.5  11.4.6  11.4.7  11.4.8  11.4.9



11.2 藝術和遺產支持 Support of arts and heritage

11.2.6 記錄和保護文化遺產
Record and preserve cultural heritage

CHU's College of Architecture and Design has been involved in the preservation of rural traditions for more than seven years as part of the university's Social Responsibility in Action Programme.

建築與設計學院 College of Architecture and Design
College of Architecture and Design

Established in 1997, the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture, Construction Management, Civil Engineering, the Department of Industrial Product Design or the Bachelor's Degree in Innovative Design and Management, and the Bachelor's Degree of Architecture (Bachelor's Degree in Interior Design and Renovation) have been established to provide a complete platform for teaching and learning, with the programmes of doctoral, master's, and master's degree programmes, as well as the University Department.

The educational goal of this institute is to cultivate students with both planning and design and engineering practice and management, and to strengthen the product innovation and design ability to cultivate students, and to cultivate students' competitiveness in the job market. Each department not only obtains international IEET certification or passes the Ministry of Education's Higher Education Accreditation, and the degrees and credits that students study can be accessed around the globe, it also promotes the streaming of the curriculum, the certification examination, the internships in the enterprises, and the refined small-group system for hands-on teaching.

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更新日期 2023(112)-11-08 Updated
