

SDG 11.2.3





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11.4.3  11.4.4  11.4.5  11.4.6  11.4.7  11.4.8  11.4.9



11.2 藝術和遺產支持 Support of arts and heritage

11.2.3 公眾參觀博物館的途徑
Public access to museums

CHU has a Center for the Arts, whose website can be accessed by logging in and visiting the University's Center for the Arts.

藝文中心 Art and Culture Center

藝文中心 Art and Culture Center

Established in 2000, the Center promotes various art exhibitions and performances, and organizes various creative competitions in the hope of stimulating philosophical thoughts and emotions, combining creativity and skills, and achieving the simultaneous use of the hands and the brain, as well as enhancing the school's artistic cultivation, and improving the sense of beauty in life and the beauty of the human personality.

The Center is located on the 7th floor of the Administration Building. Apart from exhibitions, Housewares has an audio-visual room and a spacious outdoor atrium for performances. The overall environment is elevated, quiet, comfortable and beautiful, and can be called a campus scene. The Center plans art exhibitions, performing arts activities, lectures, student creativity competitions, art studies and other activities every semester.

藝術展覽類 Art Exhibitions:

Campus joint art exhibitions, solo and group exhibitions of domestic and foreign artists, etc. The media include watercolor, oil painting, ink, calligraphy, printmaking, seal carving, ceramics, sculpture, glass, poster design and multi-media creation.

表演藝術類 Performing Arts:

The main focus is on chamber music made up of orchestral ensembles, with piano solos, chorus, drama, and dance performances.

藝術影展類 Art film exhibitions:

Since 2004, we have been promoting art film exhibitions and have organized the "Taiwan Documentary Film Festival", "Museum Film Festival", "University Student Film Festival" and "Women's Film Festival".

The activities of the Arts Center are not only diversified and educational, but also free of charge, injecting a wealth of artistic resources and vitality into the campus. In addition, the Centre also organizes exhibitions, film shows and lectures in collaboration with various departments.

In recent years, in order to enhance the functions of the Center, we have cooperated with the Center for Cultural and Creative Industries in organizing art exhibitions, cultural and creative lectures, and cultural and creative product charity sales. The Center also strives to promote outdoor arts and cultural performances not only for our students and faculty, but also for the community and the citizens of Hsinchu, in order to connect art, creativity, and life, and to shape the campus culture.

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更新日期 2023(112)-11-08 Updated
