

SDG 4.3.4





4.2   4.3.1   4.3.2   4.3.3   4.3.4   4.3.5   4.4



4.3促進終身學習的措施 Lifelong learning measures

4.3.4 校園外的教育外展活動
Education outreach activities beyond campus

本校辦理校園外的教育外展活動係以「陽光青年計畫」與「竹塹創生計畫」為主 CHU’s off-campus educational outreach activities are based on the "Sunshine Youth Program" and the "Regional Revitalization Project – Hsinchu Area":

陽光青年計畫 Sunshine Youth Program


In order to promote service learning, the school has summarized five important learning indicators to cultivate our students to become "Sunshine Youth" with balanced development in moral, intellectual, physical, social, and aesthetic skills. We hope that young students will learn the noble values of dedication, sacrifice, caring, and giving through volunteer services and labor participation.


熱心服務活動 - 海海人生淨灘活動

竹塹創生計畫 Regional Revitalization Project – Hsinchu Area


This program is a master plan to promote social responsibility, integrating our school's three goals of "Local Care", "Industry-Academia Linkage", and "Sustainable Environment". In terms of quality teaching, knowledge is introduced to mold students with social responsibility; in terms of industry-academia linkage, technology is introduced to provide the energy of digital transformation and AI.


人格健全活動 - 笳苳國小反毒入班選導活動

資料連結 Informational Links

  1. 陽光青年獎勵評選辦法 Sunshine Youth Award Selection Method
  2. 中華大學陽光青年 CHU Sunshine Youth 
  3. 實踐基地培育計畫(工業區)成果 Report of USR Hub Program (Industrial Area)
  4. 實踐基地培育計畫(茶花產業)成果 Report of USR Hub Program (Camellia Industry)

更新日期 2023(112)-10-22 Updated
