

SDG 4.3.5





4.2   4.3.1   4.3.2   4.3.3   4.3.4   4.3.5   4.4



4.3促進終身學習的措施 Lifelong learning measures

4.3.5 終身學習政策
Lifelong learning access policy


In order to promote lifelong learning education and to enhance the public's academic skills and social and cultural standards, CHU, in accordance with the Ministry of Education's "Implementation Measures for the Promotion of Education in Schools Above the College Level," has formulated the "Implementation Measures for the Promotion of Education in Chinese Universities," which provides credit and non-credit classes and other courses in response to the development of human resources and the enhancement of learning opportunities for the general public, as well as the promotion of lifelong learning education.


All individuals, regardless of race, religion, disability, or gender, have equal access to higher education. 1,068 students, 53 foreign students, 7 Native American students, 3 foreign students, 7 disabled students, 14 athletic students, and 2 overseas Chinese students were enrolled in the academic year 2021-2022.


In order to promote lifelong learning education and to enhance the academic skills and social and cultural standards of the general public, CHU has formulated the "Regulations for the Implementation of the Promotion of Education in Schools Above the Collegiate Level" in accordance with the "Regulations for the Implementation of the Promotion of Education in Schools Above the Collegiate Level" of the Ministry of Education. Extension education should be planned in accordance with the existing teacher qualifications and facilities, and the classes offered should be related to the existing programs of CHU. The College of Creative Industries is the organization in charge of the promotion of education at CHU.

本政策首訂於2012, 是衡酌現有師資及設備等既有資源,所開辦的班別均與現有課程相關. 本辦法已進行了3次的微幅修正, 最近的一次在2018年提出討論, 直至目前, 相關的作業要點已相當完備。

This policy was first established in 2012, taking into account existing resources such as teachers and equipment, and the classes offered are related to existing programs. There have been three minor revisions to this policy, the most recent of which was introduced in 2018, and to date, the relevant practice points have been fairly well developed.

20186月底的討論, 是為了維護學員的學習品質, 故增訂了第2頁第13, 特別要求學員的出席率, 推廣教育課程學員缺課時數(含請假及曠課), 不得超過該課程總時數之三分之一, 超過者將不發予學分證明書或結業證書。

Discussion at the end of June 2018, in order to maintain the quality of learning of the students, therefore added a new page 2, Article 13, specifically requiring the attendance of students, the number of hours of absence (including leave and absences) of students in the promotion of education courses, shall not be more than one-third of the total number of hours of the course, and those who exceed the number of hours will not be issued with a certificate of credits or a certificate of completion.

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更新日期 2023(112)-11-04 Updated
