SDG 4.3.4
4.3.4 校園外的教育外展活動
Education outreach activities beyond campus
為推動服務學習工作,學校歸納出五項重要學習指標,培養本校學生成為德、智、體、群、美五育均衡發展之「陽光青年」。藉此希望青年學子透過志工服務、勞動參與等方式,學習奉獻、犧牲、關懷、付出等高尚人生觀。 To promote service learning, the school has summarized five important learning indicators to train its students to become "sunshine youth" with balanced development of moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic education. It is hoped that young students can learn noble outlooks on life such as dedication, sacrifice, care and giving through volunteer service, labour participation and other methods.
- 陽光青年 陽光青年 - 中華大學 Chung Hua University
- 陽光青年獎勵評選辦法 評量評分說明 - 中華大學 Chung Hua University
- 2024-09-25陽光青年獎勵評選辦法 739420675.pdf
熱心活動 - 新竹市政府志工表揚 (個人)
強健體魄 - 水上運動會
此計畫為推動社會責任之總計畫,統整本校於「在地關懷」、「產學鏈結」、「永續環境」三個目標。優質教學上,以知識導入,塑造具有社會責任的學生;產學鏈結上,以科技導入,提供數位轉型與AI的能量。 This plan is a comprehensive plan to promote social responsibility and integrates the school's three goals of "local care", "industry-university linkage" and "sustainable environment". In terms of high-quality teaching, knowledge is introduced to create socially responsible students; in terms of industry-university links, technology is introduced to provide the energy of digital transformation and AI.
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更新日期 2023(112)-10-22 Updated