

SDG 4.3.3





4.2   4.3.1   4.3.2   4.3.3   4.3.4   4.3.5   4.4



4.3促進終身學習的措施 Lifelong learning measures

4.3.3 職業培訓活動(終身學習)
Vocational training events (lifelong learning)

本校辦理終身學習的職業培訓活動有二大類 There are two main types of vocational training activities organized by CHU for lifelong learning:

勞動部發展署「產業人才投資計畫」 Department of Labor, Development Administration, “Industrial Talent Investment Program”


In order to enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the working labor force, a variety of practical-oriented training courses are offered, and subsidies are provided for the training fees, so as to stimulate the labor force to learn on their own, to accumulate individual human capital, and to achieve the goal of enhancing the country's human capital as a whole.

行政院公共工程委員會「採購專業人員訓練計畫」 Committee on Public Works, Executive Yuan, “Procurement Professionals Training Program”


Organize "Specialized Training Classes for Procurement Professionals" to enrich the knowledge of procurement professionals, enhance the efficiency and quality of government procurement, prevent the occurrence of procurement failures, establish a management system for procurement professionals, and implement the requirements of the Procurement Professionals Regulations.

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更新日期 2023(112)-10-22 Updated
