

SDG 6.4.1





6.2  6.3.1  6.3.2  6.3.3  6.3.4  6.3.5  6.4.1
6.4.2  6.5.1  6.5.2  6.5.3  6.5.4  6.5.5



6.4 迴圈利用水資源 Water reuse

6.4.1 重複用水的政策
Water reuse policy

CHU has formulated energy conservation supervision and management measures, and plans a green campus project of middle and long range school development plan. Building rainwater recycling and water recycling system to support the reuse of water resources. All buildings in CHU must be equipped with 2 sets of water supply circuits (clean water and treated purified water) the water recycling system will be planned, and the used water will be fed into the sewage treatment system for flushing and watering after treatment.

rainwater recycling system

CHU started to build a rainwater recycling system in Dormitory 4 in 2017 to support the reuse of water resources.

The steps of the rainwater recycling system are as follows:

Motorcycle Parking Tower Rainwater Harvesting Intake
Step 1: 機車停車塔雨水收集進流 Motorcycle Parking Tower Rainwater Harvesting Intake

第四宿舍筏基雨水貯存 Raft Base Stormwater Storage at Quarters 4
Step 2: 第四宿舍筏基雨水貯存 Raft Base Stormwater Storage at Quarters 4

抽水馬達 Pumping Motor
Step 3: 抽水馬達 Pumping Motor

Quartz Sand Filter Bucket
Step 4: 石英砂過濾桶 Quartz Sand Filter Bucket

宿舍沖廁用水 Dormitory Flushing Water
Step 5: 宿舍沖廁用水 Dormitory Flushing Water

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更新日期 2023(112)-11-07 Updated
