

SDG 6.4.1





6.4.1 重複用水的政策

Water reuse policy

為推動節能減碳,提升水資源的使用與管理,制定「節能源督導管理辦法」及規劃「校務發展中長程計畫 – 綠色校園計畫」,建置雨水回收及中水回收系統,支持水資源重覆使用,本校所有建築物均須配置2套供水迴路(乾淨水與經處理過的淨化水),同時啟用中水回收系統,將使用過的水皆匯進污水處理系統進行處理後,再進行沖廁及澆灌使用。
To promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, and improve the use and management of water resources, the "Energy Saving Supervision and Management Measures" were formulated and the "School Development Medium and Long-term Plan - Green Campus Plan" was developed to build rainwater recycling and grey water recycling systems to support To reuse water resources, all buildings in our school must be equipped with two sets of water supply circuits (clean water and treated purified water). At the same time, a greywater recycling system is activated to collect all used water into the sewage treatment system for treatment. , and then use it for flushing and watering.

rainwater recycling system

Fig. 1. 本校於106年開始,在第四宿舍建置雨水回收系統,支持水資源重覆使用
CHU started to build a rainwater recycling system in Dormitory 4 in 2017 to support the reuse of water resources.

The steps of the rainwater recycling system are as follows:

Motorcycle Parking Tower Rainwater Harvesting Intake
Step 1: 機車停車塔雨水收集進流 Motorcycle Parking Tower Rainwater Harvesting Intake

第四宿舍筏基雨水貯存 Raft Base Stormwater Storage at Quarters 4
Step 2: 第四宿舍筏基雨水貯存 Raft Base Stormwater Storage at Quarters 4

抽水馬達 Pumping Motor
Step 3: 抽水馬達 Pumping Motor

Quartz Sand Filter Bucket
Step 4: 石英砂過濾桶 Quartz Sand Filter Bucket

宿舍沖廁用水 Dormitory Flushing Water
Step 5: 宿舍沖廁用水 Dormitory Flushing Water

中長程校務發展計畫 Medium and Long-Term School Development Plan

分項計畫P20: 永續校園發展計畫 Sustainable Campus Development Plan (Page 135)

針對學校的建築與硬體設施的改造,採用綠色建材進行修繕,期望學校的建築物均達到綠建築標準,特訂定綠色校園計畫,及修繕金額中的綠色建材比率。 Green building materials are used for repairs to renovate school buildings and hardware facilities. All school buildings are expected to meet green building standards, a green campus plan is formulated, and the proportion of green building materials in the repair amount is determined.

  • 2022-12-15  113-117年度中長程校務發展計畫(520工程計畫)472254737.pdf

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