SDG 4.2.1
4.2.1 獲得教學資格的畢業生比例
Proportion of graduates with teaching qualification
學年度 Academic Year |
學生數量 Number of students |
畢業生數量 Number of graduates |
113 (2024-2025) |
pending |
pending |
112 (2023-2024) |
3898 |
1507 |
111 (2022-2023) |
4461 |
1154 |
110 (2021-2022) |
5045 |
1154 |
109 (2020-2021) |
4948 |
1075 |
108 (2019-2020) |
5471 |
1516 |
107 (2018-2019) |
5452 |
2051 |
本校最後一次的教師培訓課程(二年制)是在 2004 年辦理的。臺灣有四所專門培養中小學教師的師範大學,每年約有 10,000 名畢業生。另一方面,學生的總數量卻在逐年減少。因此,本校決定重組教學資源,關閉相關的教師培訓專案。
The last teacher training course (2 years) of CHU was in 2004. Four normal universities in Taiwan specialize in cultivating elementary and middle school teachers, providing about 10,000 graduates every year. On the other hand, the overall number of students is decreasing year by year. Therefore, CHU decided to reorganize teaching resources and close related teacher training programs.
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更新日期 2024(113)-11-07 Updated