SDG 17.2.3
17.2.3 國際合作收集數據以實現永續發展目標
International collaboration data gathering for SDG
2022 國際創價學會 Soka Gakkai International
CHU appointed Daisaku Ikeda, SGI president, as professor emeritus in July 2018, and on November 1, 2018, CHU opened a section of the library reading room dedicated to the writings of Daisaku Ikeda, and on behalf of the Soka Gakkai (Taiwan), Mr. Lin Lin presented him with a gift of more than 410 volumes of his writings, which were made available to faculty members and students. CHU President Liu Wei-qi remarked that Professor Emeritus Daisaku Ikeda is widely admired for advocating world peace. The Mr. Ikeda Collection will further enrich the books and literature on Japanese studies, enhance exchanges between Taiwan and Japan, and provide students and faculty with a high-quality library environment to study Mr. Ikeda's ideas and knowledge.
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2018 國際智慧城市論壇 Intelligent Community Forum, ICF
為協助政府推動數位建設相關政策,中華大學於2018年3月16日取得國際智慧城市論壇(Intelligent Community Forum, ICF)授權,成立亞洲地區唯一的智慧城市研究院,並由國際智慧城市論壇主席John G. Jung及中華大學校長劉維琪共同簽署啟動,校方也特別聘請前友達光電總經理、天來創新集團董事長陳來助擔任台灣智慧城市研究院榮譽院長。
To assist the government in promoting policies related to digital construction, CHU was authorised by the International Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) to establish the only Smart City Institute in the Asian region on 16 March 2018, and the launch was signed by John G. Jung, Chairman of the ICF, and CHU President Wei-Qi Liu. The university has also appointed former AUO General Manager and Chairman of Tianlai Innovation Group, Lai-suke Chen, as the Honorary Director of the Taiwan Smart City Institute.
主席John G. Jung致詞時表示,為引領東南亞地區各國推動智慧城市,看見台灣新南向政策及既有智慧城市建設規劃之發展潛能,選擇在中華大學成立亞洲唯一的智慧城市研究院,便希望能夠與學校旁的新竹科學園區結合,發揮綜效,帶動亞洲城市科技發展。
John G. Jung, Chairman of the Institute, said in his speech that to lead countries in the Southeast Asia region to promote smart cities, and seeing the development potential of Taiwan's New Southbound Policy and the existing smart city construction plan, he chose to set up Asia's only smart city research institute at the CHU in the hope that it could be integrated with the Hsinchu Science Park next to the university, and bring into full play its integrated effect to promote the development of urban science and technology in Asia.
資料連結 Information Links
- 創價學會全球網 Soka Gakkai International (Soka Gakkai (global))
- 國際智慧城市論壇 Intelligent Community Forum (Intelligent Community Forum)
更新日期 2024(113)-11-01 Updated