SDG 17.4.3
17.4.3 在廣泛的社區進行實現SDGs的教育
Education for SDGs in the wider community
CHU has been actively involved in the USR practice program promoted by the Ministry of Education since 2017. A dozen sub-projects have been approved to take teachers and students into the project area for practice. In 2019, the SDGs have been aligned with the USR agenda, and local education on SDGs is being promoted more widely.
透過USR計畫及項目 Through USR projects
The two USR project teams organise activities that are integrated with classroom teaching and extend the field of practice to the local communities of Xiangshan and Xinpu in the vicinity of the school so that students can gain a deeper understanding of the problems of community development and the resources needed, and find solutions and applications accordingly.
- 食農教育:與當地茶農合作,舉辦茶文化分享與有機種茶體驗活動,推廣當地茶文化與永續農業。
Food and Farming Education: Collaborate with local tea farmers to organise tea culture sharing and organic tea growing experience activities to promote local tea culture and sustainable agriculture.- 2024-05-20 中華大學執行USR計畫種下「希望樹」 協助新埔棄耕茶園再生!
- 2023-08-09 香山農村宴在地食材送上桌!中華大學走入社區共創生機
- 2023-07-04 新竹荔枝節香山大豐收!中華大學外籍生獲邀體驗採果趣
- 2022-12-15 食農小當家味蕾新體驗!華大景觀系助國中生認識家鄉味
- 山海輕旅遊:為推廣新竹香山地區觀光,USR團隊舉辦了文史教育、山海休閒相關之一日遊導覽、講座、自行車教學、實地考察、拍攝、互動遊戲等活動,結合行銷與產業平台、品牌建立與新媒體加值之智慧觀光互動平台。
Mountain and Sea Light Tourism: To promote tourism in Hsinchu's Xiangshan area, the USR team organises day trips related to literature, history, education and mountain and sea leisure, including guided tours, lectures, bike teaching, field trips, photography, interactive games, etc., and combines marketing and industry platforms with brand building and the value-added new media to create an interactive platform for intelligent tourism.- 2023-05-18 整個校園都是遊樂場!中華大學偕新創公司首推暑期夏令營
- 2022-10-31 外籍生也來USR?華大日籍生一日農村生活體驗慶收冬
- 2019-06-28 盛夏漫時光,大學師生帶你一起逛新竹舊城FUN暑假 │ 中華大學新聞網 CHU News
- 2019-02-01 大學社會責任這麼做,協助偏鄉看見自己的人文產業價值 │ 中華大學新聞網 CHU News
- 以學習為導向的城鄉建設:USR團隊舉辦外展教育活動,例如:實地研習訓練、社區學校課程與工作坊、海灘清潔、工藝品線上展示等,以加強當地社區的合作。
Learning-oriented urban and rural construction: The USR team organises outreach educational activities such as field study training, community school courses and workshops, beach clean-ups, and online exhibitions of artefacts to strengthen cooperation with the local community.- 2022-08-15 馬賽克磚拼出記憶地圖!中華大學助大庄國小為牆增光
- 2022-04-01 中華大學USR計畫翻轉街道角落!頭份中央路成打卡亮點
透過多媒體 Through multimedia
The University's Office for the Promotion of University Social Responsibility (USR) produces and broadcasts educational and cultural programs on its YouTube channel (中華大學USR - YouTube), through which it provides a wide range of SDG-related information to the general public.
- USR辦公室 USR辦公室 - YouTube
- 驛動新埔USR-種希望樹、點幸福燈之綠色共生 驛動新埔USR-種希望樹、點幸福燈之綠色共生 - YouTube
- 馥活茶花智慧創生USR 馥活茶花智慧創生USR - YouTube
- 永續香山-禾日山海青永續新地景USR Hub 永續香山– 禾日山海青永續新地景USR Hub - YouTube
- 智慧樂齡USR Hub 智慧樂齡 USR Hub - YouTube
透過服務學習計畫Through service-learning program
The school holds a basic training and certification course for volunteers. The goal of the course is to explain the understanding of the Volunteer Service Act, the ethics of volunteer service, and the meaning of volunteer service through the online course; and to share the experience of volunteer service, so that the training course for volunteers can be more comprehensive from multiple perspectives, and the learners can understand more about the knowledge and qualities that volunteers should have.
- 2024-01-25 愛心不分國界!中華大學國際生攜手新竹救急會寒冬發送千份暖心物資
- 2023-11-07 睽違三年華大國際志工送愛到非洲 百位孩童感動緊抱志工喊:不要走
- 2023-06-21 跨越1萬公里的約定!中華大學傳愛到非洲莫三比克
- 2023-02-09 照顧偏鄉童18年不間斷!中華大學程式邏輯冬令營開心玩
- 2023-01-09 受人點滴湧泉以報!中華大學外籍生協助發送物資獻愛心
- 2022-12-19 活動剩食溫暖街友胃!中華大學學生會長寒冬送暖助弱勢
- 2022-09-05 協助偏鄉孩童教育不遺餘力!華大學生連續7年獲獎肯定
- 2022-08-17 中華大學攜手華山基金會!關懷獨居老人獻上溫暖祝福
- 2022-04-06 全台最年輕社區協會總幹事!華大學生獲大專優秀青年表揚
- 2020-02-07 大學書院生的一堂課,開啟社區銀髮族的成功密碼 │ 中華大學新聞網 CHU News
- 2019-09-02 傳愛一萬公里之外!中華大學國際志工前進非洲馬拉威 │ 中華大學新聞網 CHU News
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更新日期 2024(113)-11-02 Updated