SDG 17.2.5
17.2.5 為實現永續發展目標與非政府組織合作
Collaboration with NGOs for SDG
2022 中華社會設計永續發展協會 Chinese Sustainable Development Association for Social Design
In October 2022, we will join the Chinese Sustainable Development Association for Social Design and become a member of the organization. We will leverage the expertise of the association to assist us in promoting the local economy and ecological environment by adopting the principle of zero-waste and resource recycling.
2021 綠色冀泉社會企業 Green Hope Spring
At the end of 2021, CHU’s USR project team is working with the 'Green Hope Spring' social enterprise to find wasteland for tree planting in rural areas. Information on the results of the USR project and its activities will be available on CHU's NEWS website after the end of the year.
2018 國際創價學會 Soka Gakkai International
CHU appointed Daisaku Ikeda, SGI president, as professor emeritus in July 2018, and on November 1, 2018, CHU opened a section of the library reading room dedicated to the writings of Daisaku Ikeda, and on behalf of the Soka Gakkai (Taiwan), Mr. Lin Lin presented him with a gift of more than 410 volumes of his writings, which were made available to faculty members and students.
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- 中華大學圖書館設立池田大作著作專區 | 蕃新聞
資料連結 Information Links
- 綠色冀泉社會企業 Green Hope Spring (綠色冀泉社會企業 | Facebook)
- 創價學會全球網 Soka Gakkai International (Soka Gakkai (global))
更新日期 2024(113)-11-01 Updated