

SDG 17.4.2





為實現SDG進行的教育 – 關於永續發展的具體課程

Education for SDGs: specific courses on sustainability

新生的共同核心教育 Common core education for freshmen

To encourage students to understand and care about the history, humanities, urban and rural environment, traditions and technological industries of the Hsinchu and Miaoli regions, the ‘Hsinchu Studies’ program中華大學通識教育中心竹塹學影片has been established. Students must conduct interviews and surveys to report on topics related to those regions and make suggestions or solutions to related problems. At the semester's end, students must participate in a competition113-1評選辦法 - 中華大學 Chung Hua University).

伴隨USR計畫的永續課程 Sustainability Courses with USR Programs

CHU offers courses on Sustainable Development (SDG) issues, referred to as University Social Responsibility (USR). In the course selection system 中華大學113學年度第1學期課程查詢), students can easily check the list of all socially responsible courses for the current semester according to their criteria. In addition, the school has published various SDG campus posters to enhance the education of students.

各學院開設的課程 Courses opened by each college

From 2019 onwards, CHU has created a classification of USR courses 課程與SDG相關性 - 中華大學 Chung Hua University, using the SDG keyword search system to count the number and classification of USR/SDG courses per semester:

  • 永續發展SDG議題課程(初階):係指講授的內容有部分,或全部帶有永續發展目標或議題。 
    SDG Sustainability Issues Course (Preliminary): This is a course where some or all of the content is taught with a sustainability goal or issue in mind
  • 社會責任USR實踐課程(進階):係指除了提供以上內容,更帶有USR的實踐體驗,修課學生均須參與至實踐基地的場域中實習。 
    Socially Responsible USR Practicum (Advanced): This means that in addition to the above, students will be required to participate in a practicum in a practicum setting.

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更新日期 2024(113)-11-02 Updated
