SDG 17.2.2
17.2.2 關於永續發展目標的跨部門對話
Cross sectoral dialogue about SDGs
CHU continues to build on its partnership with the Institute of Smart City Forum (ICF) to develop an international dialogue on sustainable development. Information on related activities can be found in the Graduate School's degree program.
Master Degree Program for Intelligent City and Community Planning: In response to the demand for smart city development in Taiwan, the Master of Science in Urban Intelligent Development (MSc) program focuses on the application of technology and regional planning to enhance the future development of Taiwan's smart cities.
The course direction includes community regeneration, AIOT technology application, smart industry, transportation, planning and land development deliberation, site operation and other related topics. It is hoped that the simulation of actual cases will lead to the linking of the various modules of the course in a complete and coherent learning context. This will satisfy the student's need for immediate application. In addition, the program will be complemented by overseas case study visits to increase the opportunities for direct dialogue between schools and the industry and to promote the cultivation of talents and technological upgrading in smart city-related planning and industry.
華大達成的任務(不斷更新)CHU SDGs Achievements
2024-10-23 協助地方社區進行地方創生 Assist local communities in local regeneration
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2024-10-21 中華大學推動能源轉型 CHU promotes energy transition
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2024-09-23 華大首推iPAS證照 響應政府培育8萬綠領大軍 CHU launches iPAS certificate for the first time in response to the government’s efforts to cultivate 80,000 green talents
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2024-9-6 華大參與新竹縣政府推動2025年地方創生合作計畫 CHU participates in the Hsinchu County Government’s 2025 local revitalization cooperation plan
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2024-8-23 產官學研齊聚推動”綠金產業加值” Industry, government, academia and research institutions gather to promote "green gold industry value-added"
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2024-08-01 新竹市都市更新專家學者座談會 Hsinchu City Urban Renewal Experts and Scholars Symposium
2024-06-19 新北市智慧城市國際論壇 2024 NTPC Smart City Forum & ICF Top7 Global Cities Announcement
2024-04-26 推動金門在地產業創新發展 CHU promote innovative development of local industries in Kinmen
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2023-11-23 華大簽署「促進臺灣大專校院ESG領域課程及認證」合作備忘錄 CHU signs a memorandum of cooperation on "Promoting ESG field courses and certification in Taiwan's universities and colleges"
2023-10-2 ESG永續影響力:淨零轉型與公司治理高峰論壇 ESG Sustainable Impact: Net Zero Transformation and Corporate Governance Summit Forum
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- ESG永續影響力:淨零轉型與公司治理高峰論壇 邁向台灣2050淨零排放 活動圓滿落幕! | 中央社訊息平台
2023-07-25 科技與社會學術研討會 Science and Technology and Society Academic Seminar
2022-08-23 共商臺灣能源淨零轉型之道 Discuss Taiwan’s path to net-zero energy transformation
2021-03-27 協助建置新竹縣公共自行車系統 Assist in the construction of Hsinchu County's public bicycle system
2018-03-16 成立智慧城市研究院 扮演政策智庫之關鍵角色 Established the Smart City Research Institute to play a key role as a policy think tank
更新日期 2024(113)-11-11 Updated