SDG 12.2.1
12.2.1 道德採購政策
Ethical sourcing policy
The contract of each vendor in the CHU cafeteria requires that the purchase of fresh ingredients must not be perishable or spoiled, and food additives, colours and other substances harmful to human health that the central authority has not announced. Preference will be given to CAS and GMP-certified labelled ingredients by the vendor, which will be used up to the expiration date.
Fig. 1. 新竹市衛生局實地訪視 Hsinchu City Health Bureau Site Visit |
Fig. 2. 教育部訪視及檢查 Visits and inspections by the Ministry of Education |
Fig. 3. 所有食品需標示進貨日期 All food products should be labelled with the date of purchase |
Fig. 4. 所有的食材處理需加防塵蓋 All ingredients need to be handled with a dust cover |
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更新日期 2024(113)-11-05 Updated