

Campus Sustainability Report - Questionnaire



研發處大學社會責任推動辦公室 謹上


Interest in sustainability has increased exponentially alongside global concerns that we are living unsustainably on the planet. Chung Hua University is stepping up its commitment to sustainability by engaging in a community-wide conversation about what sustainability means at CHU now and into the future. This survey aims to find out what ACTIONS you think we can take to build awareness of sustainability and its intimate relationship with social, environmental and economic factors.

Your responses to this survey will remain anonymous unless you choose to submit your name, and this research has received approval from CHU's Institutional Review Board. This survey will be sent to students, alumni, administration, staff, faculty, the Board of Trustees and community partners associated with CHU. Also, investors and local community members are welcome to participate! Once again, we appreciate your assistance and support!


Office of R&D, CHU

Your Information:

What channels do you use to learn about the Social Responsibility related news of CHU?

Materiality Analysis: Please rate the following issues on a scale of 1 to 4

1: 不關注no interests or lowest concern about this issue;

2: 稍為關注less concern about this issue;

3: 有些關注strong concern about this issue;

4: 非常關注high concern.

How much do you pay attention to the ENVIRONMENTAL aspects and related issues of CHU?

Environmental and Ecological Sustainability

Water Use

Carbon Emission Management

Waste and Wastewater Treatment

Energy Consumption and Management

How much do you pay attention to the SOCIAL aspects and related issues of CHU?

Stakeholder Communication

Labour Relations

Labour Occupational Safety and Health

Staff Career Development and Training

Talent Recruitment and Retention

Gender Equality and Human Rights

Community and Social Welfare

How much do you pay attention to the GOVERNANCE aspects and related issues of CHU?

Curriculum Planning

Teaching Quality

Learning Effectiveness

Student Health and Safety

Internship and Employment Opportunities

Research Results and Patents

Education Resources

School Affairs and Department Evaluation

How much do you pay attention to the ECONOMIC aspects and related issues of CHU?

Financial Performance

Brand Vision

School Governance

Sustainable Development

Risk Management

Procurement Management

Other issues or topics suggested for CHU:

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